This is an ouroborus coin seal pendant in sterling silver. This can be worn by both men & women. The ouroborus is a sacred symbol of infinity making it a perfect gift to your boy/girlfriend or wife/husband mother/father.
I hand wax carved this piece. Hand wax carving is a dying art form- it gives every piece an organic and real artisan feel. The final product being a true one of a kind hand crafted original design. I have added some oxidation
29mm Pendant
1oz Weight
The pendant is available separately in gold brass, and white brass.
The Ouroborus is a circular symbol of a snake or dragon devouring its tail symbolizes infinity or wholeness, self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, standing for as an emblem of wholeness or infinity. The eating of its own tail declares the statement “The end is the beginning” and reminds us of the eternal nature of energy which cannot be destroyed, only transformed. The symbolic meaning of the Ouroboros is replete with concepts such as: Cycles Eternity Rebirth Potential Perpetuity Actualization The Ouroboros makes its appearance in several cultural myths. Egyptian: Symbolic of the sun – it’s rising and setting signifying the cycle of the day Gnostic: Oneness of all life, the constant process of re-recreation and the unity behind all duality Roman: Eternity, time and associated with Janus the god of the new year Greece: Death and rebirth as illustrated in the Orphic creation myth – another reference to the cosmic egg symbolism African: Here it is known as the “rainbow serpent” or Aido Hwedo and is an emblem of sustaining life, protection and creation